Perfect Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Then I figured out Rule Number One/of the Popularity Game—looks trump/brains every time. (2.23-24)

If you're a teenager who feels insecure about your own appearance, you tend to idolize the people who look like you think you should.

Quote #5

Sean/is adventurous. Fun. Good-looking/in a jock kind of way. And you know,/everyone expects the perfect girl/to go out with the perfect guy./If there's one thing I've learned/from Mom, it's that appearances are/everything. (5.19-20)

Sean's actually far from perfect, but he looks perfect. If her daughter is dating a good-looking sports star, it makes Cara's mom look better (or so her mom thinks).

Quote #6

[…] my mom might/argue that I'll want to/know math for a future career. She uses/it all the time, calculating body fat/percentages and how/many millimeters of bone to remove/or skin to tighten to achieve the desired/effect. (8.8-10)

Andre's mom makes a lot of mistakes, but at least she uses math to figure out that Kendra can't handle anesthesia.