Perfect Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Perception is everything to Mom, and style/is a vital component./She wants her son to be a fashion trendsetter. (8.25)

Andre says the same thing about his mom that Cara says about hers: Cara's mom wants her to have the perfect boyfriend, while Andre's wants him to have the perfect wardrobe.

Quote #8

Me? No way. My sister is in there/now, choosing a new nose. But I kind/of like what I've got,/you know? (8.38-39)

"Choosing a new nose" is an interesting way to put it. It's like there's a set menu of perfection for Kendra to select from.

Quote #9

What/I'm more than a little/vague about is/the stranger/who keeps insisting/she is the real me—/and that if I would allow/her to take up residence/inside/this flawless shell,/I will finally come to terms/with who I was born to be. (13.3-5)

Coming out is just the first step for Cara in figuring out who she really is. Dani's authenticity gives Cara the courage to find her own.