Perfect Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Did/a switch flip inside your brain? If it did/I think what flipped it was that little boy/who suddenly grew tired of being scared. (6.83-84)

Conner's mental health was slowly eroding due to the pressure to be perfect. While the attempt may have been impulsive, Kendra sees many years of desperation led up to it.

Quote #5

Maybe I'm two people./God, maybe I'm many./Does that make me a freak?/Do I belong in Aspen Springs,/finger-painting scenes from/my childhood, right along with/my messed-up brother? (13.6-8)

News flash: Feeling like you're lots of people trapped in one person's body is totally normal, especially if you're a teenager.

Quote #6

No wonder/Conner flipped./It's in the genetics./Both of his parents are freaks. (21.21)

Cara's dad doesn't think Conner's improving enough, given the amount of money he's spending to keep Conner in Aspen Springs. Cara understands why Conner wouldn't want to come home. People in a mental hospital are less insane than their parents.