Perfect Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I knew he was/messing around with his teacher./If I would have told, maybe… he…" (33.41)

Cara's dealing with classic survivor guilt here—she thinks that by telling someone Conner was sleeping with his teacher, she could have stopped him from shooting himself. Sometimes it's easier to feel guilty than to accept that there was nothing you could have done.

Quote #8

Conner Sykes, loose in/the head? Yep, that makes/sense. But even if it's true,/why should I give a s***?/I guess I don't/Unless it means Cara shares/whatever craziness gene/he's carrying. (35.10-11)

The world according to Sean: Craziness is genetic, and the same genes that make you crazy make you gay. Can someone please give this guy some biology lessons?

Quote #9

He says I'm/borderline schizo and that/he won't supply me anymore./At least, not for a while. (47.19)

Sean's pretty misinformed about mental illness, but describing his hallucinations as "borderline schizo" is accurate. There really is such a thing as steroid psychosis, which mimics the symptoms of schizophrenia.