Pericles, Prince of Tyre Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #10

We'll celebrate their nuptials, and ourselves
Will in that kingdom spend our following days:
Our son and daughter shall in Tyrus reign.
Lord Cerimon, we do our longing stay
To hear the rest untold: sir, lead's the way. (5.3.80-84)

You know how we've been saying that Pericles is all about the restoration of families? Well, here we find out that just as soon as everyone has been reunited, Pericles's family is going to be separated again. Marina and her new husband are going to rule in Tyre, while Pericles and his wife will go to Pentapolis to take over, now that Thaisa's father is dead. What's going on? Why is poor Marina being separated from her parents... again?

The play seems to be saying that it's totally natural for a kid like Marina to grow up and leave her parents in order to lead a new life and start a new family. After all, this is exactly what Pericles was trying to do way back at the beginning of the play, right? When we first met him, the guy was on a quest to marry a princess and start a family. All of this reminds us that, even though our hero's journey is (sort of) coming to an end, Marina's journey is just beginning. It's easy to imagine this cycle repeating itself with each new generation.