Sadness Quotes in The Perks of Being a Wallflower

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

And then I felt really sad because I thought maybe I was different from how Mary Elizabeth saw me, too. (3.10.17)

Instead of trying to clarify to Mary Elizabeth who he really is—whoever that may be—Charlie just mopes about it. Passivity just seeps into every pore of his being.

Quote #8

The nights he would pick up someone always made him sad. (4.5.24)

Charlie's not the only sad one, of course. Patrick is using sex to get over Brad, but it's not quite working the way he intended. Is Stephen Chbosky trying to send a message here, or is he just telling it like it is?

Quote #9

I couldn't really tell if [Sam] was happy or sad, but it was enough just to see her and know she was there. (4.13.51)

One of the first things Charlie tries to figure out when he sees a person is if they're happy or sad—as though that's all that matters. Why is this so important to him?