Love Quotes in The Princess Bride

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Yes," Buttercup replied. There was a very long pause. "But I must never love again." (1.247)

When she learns that Westley has died at sea, Buttercup vows to never love anyone else again. And kudos to her for actually making good on this vow.

Quote #5

"I'll never love you."

"I wouldn't want it if I had it."

"Then by all means let us marry." (3.90)

When Buttercup warns Humperdinck that she'll never love him, he responds that he wouldn't want her to even if she did. Or in other words, a loveless marriage is totally what he's after in this case. Not exactly the romantic type, eh?

Quote #6

"How can you be sure?"

"Well, because we're together, hand in hand, in love." (5.1145-46)

Westley is certain that he and Buttercup will not die in a Fire Swamp because they've come way too far to die now. Buttercup isn't as sure as he is, but he believes that so long as they're in love, they'll never be separated. It's almost as if the dude knows that he's in a book where the hero isn't supposed to die.