Revenge Quotes in The Princess Bride

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Am I ready? If you say I am, I will seek him through the world. If you say no, I will spend another ten years and another ten after that, if that is needed." (5.453)

Inigo is full of hatred, but also patient. He's willing to wait for as long as it takes to become good enough to kill his father's murderer. He'd better hurry a little, though, before the other dude dies of old age.

Quote #5

"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die." (5.475)

A-ha… Here we have one of the most famous lines in this entire book. Inigo says this line at least six different times, and every time he does, you get some pretty solid insight into just how obsessive he is about avenging his dad's death.

Quote #6

Inigo had only one problem: he could not find the enemy. (5.477)

Now that Inigo has finally become the most skilled swordsman in the world, there's just one little problem: He can't find the dude who killed his father. And that's surprising, since there can't be a whole lot of rich noblemen out there who have six fingers.