Society and Class Quotes in The Princess Bride

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Your father is dying." (2.21)

When Count Rugen first tells Humperdinck that his father is dying, Humperdinck's first reaction isn't sadness. He actually feels annoyed, since with his father out of the picture, he's going to have to get married and produce an heir for the kingdom.

Quote #5

"That would certainly be a perfect match politically." (3.16)

One of the first suggestions for Humperdinck's new bride is a nice, pretty girl from the neighboring country of Guilder. Only later on, though, does Humperdinck find out that this woman is bald. Yes, she's a princess and all that—but Humperdinck just can't stand the thought of having a bald wife. He might be upper class, but this guy is classless.

Quote #6

Dinner was held in the Great Hall of Lotharon's castle. Ordinarily, they would all have supped in the dining room, but, for an event of this importance, that place was simply too small. (3.37)

The big wigs of Florin know how to throw a party, especially when it's time to show off all their fancy dining rooms. After all, you need to make a big impression when you're royalty. You can't be sitting on mountains of gold and not splurge a little on meals now and then.