Pulp Fiction Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. What is in that briefcase? And we won't take "MacGuffin" for an answer.
  2. Do you think Pulp Fiction glorifies violence and drug use? Does the movie make jokes or does it portray violence and drug use in a hyper-realistic way?
  3. Why are there no bad guys or good guys in the traditional sense in the film? How can we have conflict without good and evil?
  4. How do Jules and Butch change during their stories? Do they experience a similar transformation?
  5. Does the Jheri curl work, or should they have stuck with the afro?
  6. Is Tarantino's dialogue realistic? Why or why not? And why would Tarantino make that choice?
  7. What do you think about Jules' decision to "walk the earth"? Is this the correct response to absolving oneself of a life of crime? (And does your answer to this question change depending on whether or not you think he experienced a miracle?)