Pulp Fiction Resources


When Sets Won't Do

Take a virtual tour of all the different filming locations used for Pulp Fiction. And no, Jack Rabbit Slims is not a real restaurant, it was a set. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Fandom 4 Lyfe

Check out this cool fan wiki of sorts. It has everything from articles and video clips to a full-fledged (though totally unofficial) FAQ.

Consensus: Awesome

The film got a 93% fresh rating from Rotten Tomatoes.

Everyone's a Critic

…and they all agreed with Rotten Tomatoes.

16 Pulp Fiction Quotes That Will Help You Become a Better Person.

Seriously, that's the name of the article.

Book or TV Adaptations

Pulp Fiction: The Game

Here's a quick Pulp Fiction summary with a twist. It's portrayed as an old school style arcade game with all the animation and clichés which give it a most authentic feel.

South Park Style

Brett and the boys as if they were Kyle and the boys.

Articles and Interviews

A Moral Masterpiece?

Maybe morality isn't the first thing that crosses your mind when you think of the crazy world and characters of Pulp Fiction. But let Quentin himself give you a quick breakdown of some big ethical decisions and their consequences.

Inside Story

The cast, producer and director dish on the making on Pulp Fiction and how no one thought it would be the smash hit it turned out to be.


Film critic Matt Seitz analyzes how Tarantino creates characters that are the embodiment of "cool."

A Rose by Any Other Name

Quentin dishes to Charlie Rose about the inspiration for Pulp Fiction.

Fan Means Fanatic

Fans speculate on the true meaning behind some of the scenes.

Happy Birthday

On the 20th anniversary of the film's release, CNN compiled 20 fun facts.


Roger Ebert interviews Tarantino. 'Nuff said.

Gettin' Medieval

Rolling Stone magazine breaks down the shocking rape scene. 20 years after the film's release, it's still disturbing and important enough to discuss.


The director, cast, and producers reminisce about how Pulp Fiction finally got made. It wasn't easy..

Still Crazy After All These Years

On it's 20th anniversary, a compilation of what the critics said when the movie was first released.

Movie Madness

Here's a list of every movie, TV show, and movie star referenced in Pulp Fiction, including Tarantino's other films, which he loves to reference.

Clothes Make the Woman

A look at Mia Wallace and her iconic fashion look.


Jules on Ice

Jules must've realized his dream of life coaching and decided no one needed his wise advice more than young hockey players.

Lego my Burger

There's always a Lego version.

Stranger than Pulp Fiction

Yolanda and Ringo's breakfast may be a whole movie apart from Jules and Vincent's, but let's not forget that they're actually going on at the same time. If fact, if you listen real close, you can hear (and see) Jules and Vincent in that opening scene.

Play It Again, Bruce

Here's a clip of Tarantino directing Bruce Willis in a scene from the film.

How We're Glad It Didn't End

The HISHE team is at it again, this time with their take on Pulp Fiction. Will Butch just pack his most precious watch himself? Will Marvin not get shot in the face? Watch and find out.

Pruning a Rose

Sometimes even a director's favorite scenes have to be cut if they're not right for the movie. Here are a couple that were lost in post-production, introduced by Tarantino himself. We get everything from Mia and Vincent's intersecting pants to a Lance monologue about human decency and some more of everyone's favorite, Raquel.


Time Lines

Just in case our brief summary wasn't enough, maybe this infographic will make Pulp Fiction's chronology more clear…or maybe it will just confuse you. There are a lot of lines going on.

All Dolled Up

Some people just have a lot of time on their hands.


The all-star cast all chillin'.

Screen Shots

One fan collected all the highlights of the film. See it here.

Bananas for Pulp Fiction

Graffiti artist Banksy had this take on our killers.

Collect 'Em All!

You won't want to wait for this genuine Jules Winnfield action figure. Seems like a strange movie for toy tie-ins.

Yes, Virginia, There Are Banana Slugs

Weirdest. Mascot. Ever.