Punkzilla Contrasting Regions Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The old skeezer behind the desk at the Best Western had a face like a mustard stain and kept talking about this place called Goblin Valley Utah. I had no idea why she was bringing up some weird place in Utah because I was in Nebraska! (15.15)

Oh, those skeezers, with their goblins and their Utah. Why can't they just stay in one state and be happy about it?

Quote #8

At the rest stop I found an atlas that someone had left on a picnic table and I opened it up to where I was. I had to get all the way across Nebraska and then Iowa and then Illinois and then Kentucky! That's a lot of states P! I had no idea how big this country is. (15.45)

If Jamie had truly comprehended how big America was, he might not have undertaken the journey from Portland to Tennessee—or at least he might have been better prepared for the journey he undertook.

Quote #9

I thought Missouri was boring but Nebraska was like looking at some stupid painting of the land for three hours. (19.19)

To sum up, in Jamie's world, Missouri is more boring than Ohio, but Nebraska is more boring than both.