Punkzilla Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

What was weird P and I mean REALLY F***ING WEIRD was that even though Lewis just told me he used to be a woman and had his titties removed I really believed he was a man. And the more I talked to him the more it seemed that way. (12.48)

Jamie learns his first, deeply confusing truth of gender identity: It's not always what you think it is, but it is always what someone thinks they are.

Quote #8

[…] he said T won't grow you a dick but it does other things like changes your body in subtler ways like you start to get facial hair and your voice gets deeper and you get more aggressive. (12.51)

T is the hormone testosterone, which some trans men take to develop male sexual characteristics. Most of the changes Lewis is talking about are permanent, even if you stop taking it, but it won't magically grow you a penis.

Quote #9

[…] I asked him why he wanted to be a man and he said "Because that's how I see myself. That's how I've always felt on the inside." (12.53)

Both Jamie and Lewis are fighting to have the world see them as straight guys; they're just coming at it from different biology.