Rainbows End Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Do you think your talent and your malevolence were a package deal?" Sharif leaned forward, engaged in a way that Robert had not seen since their interviews of weeks before. "I... doubt that. But researching the issue would be intriguing. For that matter, I have long wondered—and been too timid to ask—what really changed in you? Were you a decent fellow from the time of your dementia cure? Or was the change as in Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," with new experience making you kindlier?" (35.25)

Right up there with "Who is Rabbit?" this is the question about identity that keeps us up at nights. What was it that made Robert into a non-jerk? (We won't go too far and say he's nice.) Was it the sickness? Or being alone and powerless in the new world of 2025? And was his poetic ability tied up with his jerkiness? These questions seem open (and possibly worth a paper).