Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Sacrifice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Just the same, I am in debt to you. If the time ever comes when I can help you, I hope you will ask me. My name is Jeremy. Ask any crow […] and he will find me." (3.57)

Jeremy has always seemed like sort of a birdbrain, but this birdbrain seems like he's making pretty good sense here. Unlike the sacrifice that Mrs. Frisby makes for Jeremy, though, Jeremy's sacrifice does not put him in harm's way. So is that an even trade?

Quote #5

Mrs. Frisby was afraid.

Then she thought of Timothy […] She told herself she had no choice. If there is a chance the owl might be able to help me, I must go. (6.38-39)

Mrs. Frisby may think she doesn't have a choice, but in reality, she does have one. Her choice just happens to be a very hard one and one that she can't imagine not making, because that's the kind of brave mouse-lady she is.

Quote #6

Timothy was down below, taking a nap and had not been told about the expedition lest he worry and blame himself for the risk his mother must take. (7.1)

Timothy is the weakest of the Frisby kids, but we can't help feeling worried for all of Mrs. Frisby's children. They're all at risk with Mrs. Frisby out on her expedition. But, hey, we get the feeling that they would all do the same for each member of their family.