Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Sacrifice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"If you need me again, just ask. After all, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here to ask." (8.65)

Another kernel of wisdom from Jeremy! These characters never forget a debt.

Quote #8

"It's just—the Plan. For where we're going to live and all that. She doesn't like it because she says it's too hard—no more electric lights, no more refrigerator, no more running water." (12.43)

This touches on another big theme in the book: that sacrifice isn't always easy. It's hard to watch the rats give up everything they've got to chase a dream, but they know that the Plan is the right way for them to live.

Quote #9

"But you should know that the danger is great. It was in the same kitchen yesterday, running from Dragon's bowl, that Mr. Ages got his leg broken. And it was doing the same thing, last year, that your husband died." (13.54)

Wowsers! This would make lesser mice turn tail and run back into the walls. But knowing what a dangerous task she is up against only makes Mrs. Frisby more determined not to let anyone else sacrifice themselves for her family. That's just the kind of mouse she is.