Rebecca Quizzes

    Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Rebecca? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
    Q. Why does Mrs. de Winter almost kill herself?

    She finds out she has cancer
    Death is less shameful than a failed marriage
    Maxim tells her he wants a divorce
    She hates Manderley
    Q. What main thing makes the narrator unreliable?

    She’s a liar
    She is telling the story through memory
    She is telling a story that hasn’t happened yet
    Q. Why is Mrs. de Winter “afraid” of her servants?

    Her rise from lower to upper class has left her unsure of her place and the social conventions she needs to follow
    Because they’re actually monsters
    Because she thinks they are planning to kill her like they did Rebecca
    She feels like they are actually her bosses
    Q. What or who is Maxim’s “one true love”?

    The narrator
    Murdering people
    Q. Where is Rebecca’s ghost?

    In the minds of the people who are obsessed with her life and death
    In her bedroom
    Stalking and haunting the narrator
    In the boathouse