Red Scarf Girl Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"We cannot choose our families or our class sums. But we can choose our own futures." He spoke very slowly and clearly. "No, you are not a leader, but you are still an 'educable child.' You can overcome your family background." (12.41)

Ji-li feels torn between her family and the Revolution. Maybe this is because she's constantly pressured to ditch her family and join the cause. She really thinks about it a couple different times. We don't blame her—it's tough to figure out what to believe when everything is changing around you.

Quote #8

We clung to each other as we watched him go. We all dashed up to the roof to watch him walk down the alley. He walked a little in front of his escorts. The triangle made by the three heads grew smaller and smaller. (13.19)

As the guards take her dad away, Ji-li feels so alone. She's not sure she'll ever see him again, and this worries her. She was doubting whether he was a liar before, but now she gets how much she wants him around. It dawns on her how unfair this is to him.

Quote #9

The article had been like a bomb blowing holes in my life. In our alley, at school, and at Mom's office people gossiped about our family. I had thought I was going to be kicked out of the exhibition. (14.3)

The big article about Ji-li's family causes a major shake up. Everybody in town knows about her family's class status now, and that's not good news. Yet again, Ji-li finds herself wishing she were in another family, which hurts her mom big time.