Duty Quotes in Revenge of the Witch (The Last Apprentice)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"We see things that others can't, which is both a blessing and a curse." (4.8)

Every special hero we've ever been familiar with has felt this way about his or her superpowers. Like, remember Spider-Man's dilemma: with great power comes great responsibility?

Quote #5

He had me digging two practice pits a week, which was hard, sweaty work and took up a lot of my time. (7.19)

The word "duty" isn't a very pretty word. (Hold your giggles.) And sometimes, doing your duty means doing difficult, dirty work that goes above and beyond what you might have expected to do. The Spook might call digging these practice pits a "character-building" exercise.

Quote #6

I always had to do things the hard way, so he started me off by making me draw a map of my own. (7.20)

Sometimes you have to do things the hard way, in order to learn the ins and outs of whatever new skill you're trying to acquire. Spooks don't rely on GPS. They use their own smarts, which are always there, even in unexpected situations.