RUR Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] I believe that in a couple of years humans could take over the world once again. (2.218)

The humans are on the brink of total defeat, but Fabry is already imagining conquering all the robots and humans taking control of everything again. Robots conquer people or people conquer robots; those are the only futures folks can imagine, it seems like. Someone has to be grinding someone underfoot.

Quote #8

Lying there with half a billion on his chest…financial genius. (2.334)

Busman died covered with useless money. Power is fleeting and futile. It doesn't much matter if you're a financial genius, and have half a billion, if you're dead.

Quote #9

The world belongs to the fittest. He who wants to live must rule. We are the rulers of the earth! Rulers of land and sea! Rulers of the stars! Room, room, more room for Robots! (2.392)

Radius has learned the lesson from Domin well. Living means ruling and trampling everyone else. Radius' words here also echo Darwin's evolutionary theories about the "survival of the fittest." At the time when the play was written, many people believed that Darwin's theories meant that non-white people weren't fit to live. Radius is turning that racist belief around. The supposed superior white humans are now inferior to the non-human robots, and so the people with power will wipe them out.