Sarah, Plain and Tall Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"We are glad you are here," said Matthew to Sarah. "A new friend. Maggie misses her friends sometimes." (7.43)

Even though Maggie's been around for a while, she still struggles with being so far away from her hometown. That's why she's glad when Sarah shows up: She'll have a friend who understands what she's going through.

Quote #8

Sarah walked slowly behind the wagon for a long time, waving, watching it disappear. Caleb and I ran to bring her back, the chickens running wildly behind us. (7.46)

When Maggie and her family leave, Sarah totally misses them. Even though they've just met, Sarah feels a connection to Maggie; she's the only person here who gets what it's like to be from a different place.

Quote #9

"Too quick," Caleb complained to me as we watched from the fence. He thought a moment. "Maybe she'll fall off and have to stay here. Why?" he asked, turning to me. "Why doe she have to go away alone?" (9.5)

Caleb sure is paranoid. He doesn't like the idea of Sarah ever being alone because he thinks that she'll leave them when she has the chance. The idea of her learning how to drive a wagon absolutely terrifies him.