Sarah, Plain and Tall Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

My father did not see her look, but I did. And I knew that Caleb had seen it too. Sarah was not smiling. Sarah was already lonely. (3.45)

Jacob seems oblivious, but Anna and Caleb are looking for signs of whether Sarah will stay or leave. Anna is horrified to see that Sarah already looks like she regrets her decision when she first arrives at their house.

Quote #2

She cried when we found a lamb that had died, and she shouted and shook her fist at the turkey buzzards that came from nowhere to eat it. She would not Caleb or me come near. and that night, Papa went with a shovel to bury the sheep and a lantern to bring Sarah back. She sat on the porch alone. (5.2)

When Sarah first arrives at their home, she's still rather shy and isolates herself from the family. She finds a dead lamb and chooses to grieve alone instead of letting them comfort her.

Quote #3

Our neighbors, Matthew and Maggie, came to help Papa plow up a new field for corn. Sarah stood with us on the porch, watching their wagon wind up the road, two horses pulling it and one tied in back. I remembered the last time we had stood here alone, Caleb and I, waiting for Sarah. (7.2)

Standing on the porch with Sarah and her family makes Anna remember the last time that she and Caleb were out here—and how alone and yet excited they were as they waited for Sarah to show up. She doesn't want Sarah to go away because it would leave the kids alone again, without a mother.