Speak Melinda Sordino Quotes

Melinda Sordino

Quote 34

She is not any part of a pretend Rachelle-chick. I can only see third grade Rachel who liked barbeque potato chips and who braided pink […] thread into my hair that I wore for months until my mom made me take it out. (69.6)

Melinda never stops caring about Rachel. Remembering Rachel as a much younger girl makes Melinda realize how vulnerable she is to Andy.

Melinda Sordino

Quote 35

Mom took me to the hospital to stitch up the cut on my hand. When we got home, there was a message on the machine from Rachel. She wants me to call her. (89.4)

Knowing how Melinda feels about Rachel, her message probably means everything to Melinda.

Melinda Sordino

Quote 36

I get out of my bed and take down the mirror. I put it back in my closet, facing the wall. (6.11)

Not being able to look at one's own face in the mirror is a sign of deep sadness.