Stolen Theme of Madness

What were your first impressions of Ty at the beginning of Stolen? Did you think he was a maniac? If so, you're not alone. The thing is, it then gets more complicated—we learn that he's obsessed with Gemma and has been observing her and her family for years. Who does that? Creeps, that's who. But as the story goes on, we find there's more to Ty than meets the eye. Is he really insane, or has his past led him to believe that he's genuinely rescuing Gemma from the city and her family? Does he have some kind of mental illness? While it might seem like these questions have easy answers at the beginning, the ending leaves us not so sure. Like, at all.

Questions About Madness

  1. At what point in the book did you first realize there was something "off" about Ty? Did you get it from the minute Gemma saw him in the airport, or did it take you a while to catch on?
  2. Do some research on childhood trauma, particularly absent parents, and how it can affect people as adults. How does Ty's experience line up with information about these disrupting events and mental health? Are there ways in which it doesn't?
  3. How does the story reveal Ty's obsession with Gemma? What effect does this have on your understanding of him as a character?
  4. What about you? What do you think is up with Ty and why? Back that answer up with evidence from the text.

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Ty would be eligible for an insanity plea during his trial.

Gemma's experience with Ty temporarily causes her to lose sight of the distinction between right and wrong.