Stolen Sections 56-60 Summary

Section Break 56

  • Eventually, Gemma arrives at a cluster of sand dunes she could see from the tree in the Separates. She originally thought they looked like buildings—maybe even the mine site—but that's not the case.
  • She has another problem, too: The car is sand-logged and having trouble moving. Eventually, it gets stuck.
  • The busted car is the least of Gemma's problems, though. The deadly desert heat is searing down on her, making her dizzy and sick. She throws up in the sand and passes out.

Section Break 57

  • When she comes to, Gemma checks the trunk for supplies. While she finds water, she doesn't find anything to help her fix the car. She tries to pick at a eucalyptus tree to get wood to help her level out the car (which really doesn't make a lot of sense) but only gets sap on her hands.
  • Gemma climbs the sand dunes, trying to get the lay of the land, but it's pretty hopeless. All she sees is sand for miles—no buildings and no people.
  • She decides to lie down in the sand and sleep.

Section Break 58

  • When Gemma wakes up, the moon is out. It's huge out in the desert, and she stares at it for a bit before deciding to climb down and try the car again.
  • For a second, it looks like the car is going to get out of its place in the sand, but it only falls back in. Gemma throws a much warranted temper tantrum and starts to cry.

Section Break 59

  • Gemma tries to put vegetation and rocks under the wheels to get the car unstuck, but she eventually gives up and calls it a lost cause.

Section Break 60

  • As uncomfortable as it's going to be, Gemma's only remaining option is to start walking until someone finds her. Given the heat, the sand, and the fact that she's sweaty and hasn't showered in over a day, this isn't exactly pleasant. On top of all that, she has to conserve her small supply of water.
  • For a while, she gives up and sits in the sand and cries, but then she imagines her best friend, Anna, encouraging her to keep going.
  • Finally, it gets so hot that Gemma starts ripping off her clothes and crawling through the sand naked until she just totally gives up and settles down into the sand.