Stolen Sections 46-50 Summary

Section Break 46

  • Watching Ty lead the camel, Gemma finds memories of home coming back into her mind. And one of them is of him. For the first time, she acknowledges that she really has seen him before.
  • He says it's because, as he said before, he was following her. He even took a job at the park as a groundskeeper so he could keep an eye on her and her friends.
  • Gemma realizes that, back then, he had long hair and was always engrossed in his work in the flowerbeds.
  • Angered by thoughts of his plot to kidnap her, Gemma tries to think about her family. This, however, leads her to thoughts of Josh—and one night in particular involving him.
  • That night, she, Josh, Ben, and Anna had been drinking, and Ben and Anna started making out in front of them. Anna gave Gemma a look that clearly said, "Please leave now, my boyfriend and I want to get it on," so she did.
  • Josh followed her, and eventually Gemma found herself lost with nowhere to turn but to him. Then, someone attacked Josh and pushed him away—as now Gemma realizes, the attacker was Ty.
  • Ty tells her that it was that night that he decided to begin his plan to take her away and rescue her from her life at home.

Section Break 47

  • Ty is trying to train the camel so they can use a saddle and ride her. He tells Gemma that he's taking small steps to get her used to being around him and that eventually she'll cooperate.
  • The camel now follows him around, and it's obvious that he's broken something in her. Gemma sits in the grass and watches him.
  • Ty comes and joins her on the grass, and for once, Gemma doesn't move away from him or flinch.

Section Break 48

  • After a bit, Ty goes inside to get them some water. Gemma is still fixated on the story of him being the guy in the hoodie who rescued her from Josh that night. Part of her believes it, but the other part thinks it's too incredible that he would follow her and know everything about her.
  • Gemma asks Ty how he ended up in Britain. He says it started when he got a letter from his mother asking him to come live with her. He also shows her a photograph of him as a baby with his mom, who looks shockingly like Gemma. Hello, Oedipus complex.
  • Ty decided to go to Britain in search of his mom, but when he arrived at the address she gave him, the place was a dump and she was nowhere to be found.
  • He kept calling around trying to find a number for her—but when he got one and called it, he reached an old-sounding woman who asked him if he had any money, then acted like she didn't know him when he said no.
  • Ty has always wondered if the old woman he talked to was his mother and if she was just trying to leech off of him.
  • Nonetheless, Ty kept searching for his mom, even though he didn't have any money and was there in the winter and had never seen snow. He didn't find his mom, but he did find Gemma.
  • As a result of telling her all of this, Ty freaks out and runs out to the Separates and screams.

Section Break 49

  • Gemma goes out to feed the chickens. The rooster tries to peck at her and won't let her feed him, and Ty appears from the bushes and says she has to pick him up when he does that.
  • Ty tries to do this and ends up getting attacked by the rooster until his hands are bloodied. Gemma rather enjoys watching this.

Section Break 50

  • Back inside, Ty asks Gemma to help him clean his wounds. She refuses, and he asks what he can do for her in return. Um, duh—the only thing she still wants is to leave.
  • Gemma, however, cooperates and says she wants to know the story behind how he built the property they live on, including the water piping and the outbuildings.
  • Ty tells her that he got the money in various ways. First, he stole, and then he started panhandling outside of McDonald's. Eventually, he got a job in the city, which later gave way to working for an escort service.
  • He tells Gemma that all of the money he made is invested into this place and that he's never going to leave.