The Ambassadors Resources


The Ladder: A Henry James Website

For links to tons of free Henry James stuff, check out this site. Thank you, Public Domain.

Henry James Scholars Guide to Web Sites

It ain't the best looking site in the world, but hey, think of it as trying to mimic how things were in 1903. Anyway, it's chock-full of crucial links for anyone wanting to study Henry James.

The Henry James Society

Reserved for the biggest of James fans. Get ready to dork out, ambassador-style.

Movie or TV Productions

The Ambassadors (1965)

This made-for-TV movie is the only film interpretation of The Ambassadors in existence. Good luck getting your hands on a copy, though.

Articles and Interviews

An (Unfortunate) Interview with Henry James

Sure, it's totally a work of fiction. But what are you gonna' do? You can still learn a smidgeon of James trivia, and it's definitely a good read.

Henry James, Jr.

An insightful piece on Henry James' life from our friends at The Literature Network.

The Master's Servants

An interesting article on James and the concept of why certain writers stand the test of time while others don't. Ironic considering he wasn't so well-known in his own time, but sure has stood some tests ever since.


The Ambassadors Audio Book, Pt. 1

It's a long book. So why not rest those eyes and let someone else read it to you for a while?


Henry James Daring You to Disagree with Him

Go on. Seriously. He dares you.

Fancy Pants Painting of James

It's kind of funny that we think of Waymarsh when we see the look on our dear author's face.

Younger James

He even had those peering eyes when he was young. Guess that's how he peered into the souls of so many baller literary characters.

More of Young James

Not a bad lookin' dude. A young James Franco, maybe?