The Book of the City of Ladies Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

This father loved his daughter with such devotion that he could not live unless he saw her, and only with the greatest reluctance and under great pressure did he consent to have her married. (2.59.1)

Some men are so possessive that they don't want their daughters to get married. These men just want their daughters all to themselves. Unfortunately for them, the social norm is for young women to get married, and these dudes usually have to consent (reluctantly) to let their daughters leave them. A more modern dad, though, would probably leave this sort of decision to his daughter. Like this guy.

Quote #8

But when the brothers finally found out, considering it to be a great shame, and even though they wanted to avoid making a large outcry over it, they decided to kill the young man. (2.60.1)

Some men are so protective of their sisters they'll kill any dude who comes near them. And that's exactly what happens in this case, though you have to wonder how it's the brothers' business who their sister dates.

Quote #9

And you, virgin maidens, be pure, simple, and serene, without vagueness, for the snares of evil men are set for you. (3.19.4)

Christine de Pizan warns her female readers about all of the men who'll use every dirty trick in the book to try and sleep with them. This warning flies right in the face of men who say that women are the ones who are always after sex.