The Book of the City of Ladies Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"My lady, men have burdened me with a heavy charge taken from a Latin proverb, which runs, "God made women to speak, weep, and sew," which they use to attack women." (1.10.3)

Men have made up all kinds of sayings over the years to disparage women in general. But one by one, Christine de Pizan's magical ladies tear these arguments down and show that the opposite it actually the case.

Quote #5

I will abandon feminine fear and arm my heart with a man's boldness in order to increase your courage and that of the soldiers in the army, out of pity for your young prince. (1.23.1)

Even though she's defending women Queen Fredegund wants to take on "masculine" characteristics (like boldness) for the sake of protecting her son. So even though de Pizan defends women here, she still thinks that certain qualities are manlier than others.

Quote #6

[You] will never find such perversion in women as you encounter in a great number of men. (2.49.5)

On some occasions, Christine de Pizan gets so fed up with the accusations against women that she actually goes after men. She usually pulls back after saying things like this though, because she doesn't want to get into trouble or alienate too many of her male readers.