The Breadwinner Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

When she came to the shop that sold tea, rice and other groceries, she hesitated for a slight moment, then walked boldly through the door. I'm a boy, she kept saying to herself. It gave her courage. (6.64)

Parvana has never been outside of the house without her Father, so when the family sends her out to buy some food after his kidnapping, she is terrified. Who knows what the Taliban will do to her if she is discovered? She finds courage from looking like a boy, though.

Quote #8

"Maybe we can save her!" Parvana said. She saw herself climbing up the wall, smashing the painted-over window with her bare fist and helping the princess down to the ground. The princess would be wearing silk and jewels. Parvana would swing her up onto the back of a fast horse, and they'd ride through Kabul in a cloud of dust. (12.43)

Parvana and Shauzia imagine they are saving the Window Woman from whoever is making her scream and cry. They have great fun pretending they are brave heroes, but they don't have to pretend—outwitting the Taliban every day to put food on their families' tables sounds a whole lot like heroism to us.

Quote #9

"You'll never guess," her mother said. "Nooria's getting married." (12.66)

We don't know about you, but we think it takes guts to leave your country and family and agree to marry someone you've never met. Or is it stupidity? Either way, you've got to hand it to Nooria for taking a chance at a better life.