The Breadwinner Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"As soon as I get out of Taliban territory, I'm going to throw off my burqa and tear it into a million pieces." (13.37)

Nooria is moving to Pakistan to get married, and while she's probably not a huge fan of an arranged marriage, it offers her more freedom than she currently has, so she's totally on board. And as soon as she possibly can, she is ditching her burqa for good. You go, girl.

Quote #8

"Do you really want to do this?"

Nooria nodded. "Look at my life here, Parvana. I hate living under the Taliban. I'm tired of looking after the little ones. My school classes happen so seldom, they're of almost no value. There's no future for me here." (13.7)

Parvana questions Nooria's decision to marry a man she's never met, but Nooria will do anything for freedom. Sure she's not living in prison per se, but she's basically a prisoner in her own home—and Nooria is willing to do whatever it takes to liberate herself, even leave her family and country if she needs to.

Quote #9

"We found him on the ground outside the prison," one of the men who had brought him home said to Mrs. Weera. "The Taliban released him, but he was unable to go anywhere on his own. He told us where he lived, so my friend and I put him on our Karachi and brought him here."

Parvana was down on the toshak with her father, clinging to him and weeping. She knew that the men stayed to tea, but it wasn't until they were getting up to leave, to make it back to their homes before curfew, that she remembered her manners.

She got to her feet. "Thank you for bringing my father back," she said. (15.2-15.4)

The Taliban's idea of freeing Father from prison is tossing him out on the street, though he clearly can't get himself home—if it weren't for the help of those two nice men, who knows if Father would have ever made it home. For Parvana's part, Father's release is nothing short of a miracle. She had seen what the soldiers do to prisoners (remember the hand-chopping scene?), and understands deeply that Father is one of the lucky ones.