The Chosen Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It was frustrating to be sitting there surrounded by all these journals and not be able to read a thing myself, and I decided to review by heart some of the symbolic logic I’d been studying. (8.8)

Reuven’s descriptions of his own intelligence are always so modest. But he can’t keep reminding us that he knows math.

Quote #8

"You’ve heard about Freud. He started psychoanalysis. I’m teaching myself German, so I can read him in the original."

Danny doesn’t quite accomplish his goal of reading Freud in the original. He sort of lets that go by the wayside, as he learns that there are many approaches to the study of the human mind. Potok himself was quite loyal to Freud, and believed that Freud taught us a great deal about the human mind.

Quote #9

And I waited out the silence by studying. (14.28)

Get a load of this guy, studying, all the time. But, don’t we all approach loneliness in unique ways? Reuven takes solace in what he loves most, after David and Danny, of course. In this brief sentence, Reuven expresses worlds of loneliness.