The Chosen The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[…] I walked slowly through the apartment. I had lived in it my entire life, but I never really saw it until I went through it that Friday afternoon. (5.10)

Living in the eye ward for that week gives Reuven a renewed appreciation for the comfort of his home, and he basks in it with his newfound vision.

Quote #2

That night, as we sat at the kitchen table, with the Shabbat meal over, […] my father answered some of my questions about Danny Saunders. (104.1)

When we see Reuven and David like this, we can understand why Reuven can’t understand Danny and the Reb aren’t talking.

Quote #3

"You live in this house?"
"We have the upper two floors. It’s a fine arrangement." (7.88)

We find this passage interesting because it shows that, for the Reb, there is very little difference between his immediate family and the family of his congregation. The passage also highlights the differences in Danny’s and Reuven’s family homes.