The Chosen The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

On the first day of July, I packed a bag and took a cab to Reb Saunders’s house. I moved into Danny’s room. (11.160)

In this moment, we see Reuven’s idea of home turned upside down. At the beginning of the novel, Danny’s home is completely alien to Reuven. Now, it’s his home, too.

Quote #8

I lived alone. (14.27)

Reuven's idea of home is shattered, at least for a while. A house without David and Danny turns Reuven’s home into an empty shell.

Quote #9

"Forgive me…for everything…I have done…A─ a wiser father…may have done differently. I am not…wise." (18.49)

What a moment! The Reb does everything he can to repair the damage he did to his home in imposing the silent treatment on Danny. He’s afraid that he’s done the wrong thing, which is what starts the healing process. So long as he is convinced that his actions were right, there is no possibility for dialogue.