The Chosen The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"How would I feel if someone gave you books to read which I believed might be harmful to you?" (8.78)

David is afraid he’s violating the sanctity of the Reb’s home by usurping the Reb’s role as Danny’s father. Do you think he did the right thing?

Quote #5

He introduced me to his mother and sister. (8.88)

Why doesn’t Reuven ever tell us these women’s names? Does it have anything to do with the fact that, after his mother passed away, there are no women in his life besides his housekeeper? Is Reuven afraid of them? Does he find them unimportant? The question is, does the novel give us enough information to figure this out? Check out the women’s "Character Analysis" for more on this issue.

Quote #6

"Silence? What do you mean, Danny is being brought up in silence?"
"They never talk, abba, except when they study Talmud." (8.157)

Initially, David is shocked by the Reb’s idea of how to raise a son, but he later understands it, even if he doesn’t agree. Does the Reb’s way better prepare Danny for his transition to his own home, in the larger world? Or, has he damaged his son’s idea of home irrevocably?