The Clouds Religion and Science Quotes

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Quote #4

You want to know the truth about the gods, what they really are? (250)

Socrates is about to let Strepsiades in on the secret of the gods. According to him, the only gods in existence are the Clouds… and all the rest are totally imaginary. This is news to Strepsiades.

Quote #5

Let the oldster speak with reverence, let him hear our pious prayer. (263)

When the Clouds come on the scene, they play into Socrates's portrayal of them as holy entities and invite Strepsiades to revere them. Of course, as we learn in this same passage, they're not super sincere when they praise Socrates or his philosophies.

Quote #6

Clouds that we revere so greatly, show that you have heard my cry! / You: You heard their voice, their thunder, bellowing with force divine? (291-292).

As you can see, Socrates treats the Clouds as gods, using words like "revere" and "divine" that smack of just plain old religious sentiment. As a result, his radical views about religion don't actually seem that radical, do they?