The Clouds War and Violence Quotes

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Quote #4

How's that? You wanna make war on me? My god! (481)

Socrates has just threatened to use "pedagogical artillery" on Strepsiades, so naturally Strepsiades is alarmed. Again, all the war metaphors manage to sneak their way into even benign circumstances like these.

Quote #5

Isn't that precisely how my generation's education / bred the men of Marathon? / You, by contrast, teach our boys to swaddle up in cloaks from birth, / such a turn-off when they're dancing at Athena's festival, / one of them with his shield held low, afraid he'll get his hambone poked! (985-989)

Better Argument is arguing (you're shocked, we know) with Worse Argument about their respective schools of thought and their impact on today's students. Better Argument's concern is that Worse Argument's form of education is likely to make men go soft (whereas his methods were the kind used to breed the men who fought at Marathon several years prior).

Quote #6

Because they're utterly base and make a warrior a pussy. (1046)

Worse Argument has been dogging Better Argument for thinking that students shouldn't bathe in hot water, and he's asked BA to explain his reasoning. Again, Better Argument seems to value things that would make a "warrior" less, er, warrior-like.