Gender Quotes in The Danish Girl

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Einar was beginning to enter a shadowy world of dreams where Anna's dress could belong to anyone, even to him. (1.62)

When Einar puts on Anna's dress, we're led to believe that he has never thought about being a woman before. This is his first mental venture down that path, which is why it's "shadowy" and dreamlike.

Quote #2

"Little boys can't do that!" And little Einar replied, "But why not?" (3.7)

His father never answers this precocious question because there really is no answer other than "because" and because is never a good answer to any question.

Quote #3

Homosexual! How far from the truth! (5.68)

Repeat after us: Gender and sexual orientation are not the same. Einar doesn't consider himself homosexual because the Einar part of his personality isn't sexually attracted to men—only the female Lili part of his personality is.