Love Quotes in The Danish Girl

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Next to [Greta], Einar felt small, as if he were her son, looking up beyond her chin to her eyes, reaching for a hanging hand. (1.34)

Einar and Greta love each other more like mother and son than they do husband and wife. She wants to take care of him like a child instead of embracing him with the passionate love often associated with marriage.

Quote #2

[Teddy] was the second man Greta loved. (4.16)

Greta isn't the type of person to love easily. Perhaps this is one reason she holds onto Einar and will do anything for him—if she didn't, she'd be alone. She is more comfortable leaving Lili at the end when she has Hans to move on to.

Quote #3

"You won't leave me?" Lili asked Greta.

"Never." (5.8-5.9)

We don't think Greta is lying here, even though she does eventually leave Lili. She can leave Lili and still love her and hold her in a special place in her heart.