The Danish Girl Themes

The Danish Girl Themes


Renewing your driver's license, passport, or identification card is annoying in its own right, and it's even more annoying if you've undergone a major life change, like getting married, getting div...


The Danish Girl is your average everyday boy-meets-girl, boy-becomes-girl, girl-meets-boy story. Okay, someday that will be a more average story as trans people gain more acceptance and visibility...


Everyone knows the traditional marriage vows: to have and to hold, sickness and health, yada yada yada, death. But there's nothing in the vows about what to do if your husband becomes your wife or...


Every QUILTBAG wants love. Not following? Quiltbag stands for Queer/Questioning, Undecided, Intersex, Lesbian, Transgender/Transsexual, Bisexual, Allied/Asexual, and Gay/Genderqueer. Pretty much ev...

Art and Culture

A famous scholar (i.e. Lisa from Saved by the Bell) once asked, "What is art? Are we art? Is art art?" These are all good questions that apply to The Danish Girl. Both its main characters are artis...

Memory and the Past

We remember the last really good Danish we ate, just like we remember the last really good book we read. It was buttery and flaky with a creamy cheese filling (the Danish, not the book, silly). How...


Hamlet, the most famous Dane, isn't exactly known for his perseverance, unless it's his stubborn determination to never come to a decision in a timely manner. The characters in The Danish Girl, how...


Mona Lisa? More like Mona Leo. There is a popular theory that the subject of the Mona Lisa isn't a woman, but the artist himself. If so, he did a good job making himself appear female in the famous...