The Dark Is Rising Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"It has always been in danger from the Dark, and the endless ingenuity of the Dark would still find a way of using it if they had it in their hands. In this room now, therefore, the book will accomplish its final purpose, which is to bestow on you, the last of the Old ones, the gift of gramarye—and after that it will be destroyed. When you have the knowledge, Will Stanton, there will no longer be any need of storing it, for with you the circle is complete." (6.71)

Merriman instructs Will to read the book and figure out what it means. We get to see first-hand how Will comes of age as the book helps him mature. In it, he learns about everything to do with the Old Ones—past, present, and future—and he's suddenly more equipped to fight the battle against the Dark.

Quote #8

This time, his fear was adult, made of experience and imagination and care for others, and it was the worst of all. In the moment that he knew this, he knew too that he, Will, was the only means by which his own fear could be overcome, and thus the Circle fortified and the Dark driven away. Who are you? he asked himself—and answered: you are the Sign-Seeker. You have three of the Signs, half the circle of Things of Power. Use them. (8.138)

In the church, Will is still scared, but it's much different than before. Notice how it's described as "adult" and only comes from his experiences, not his inexperience like before. Finally Will knows how to react when the Dark are around instead of acting on impulse like he has before.

Quote #9

He remembered that Merriman had said, long before, that the most dangerous peak of the Dark's power would come at Twelfth Night. Was that time now come? (11.39)

Remember when Merriman says that every word he utters is super important? Will thought that was just hype, but he starts to really think about his task and remember the specific instructions he's been given, and sure enough, it works—he gets on track. Again we see a more mature Will taking in all the possibilities of what to do before reacting.