The Dark Is Rising Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"There are no words to describe how precious it is. The book of hidden things, of the real magic. Long ago, when magic was the only written knowledge, our business was called simply Knowing. But there is far too much to know in your day, on all subjects under the sun. So we use a half-forgotten word, as we Old Ones ourselves are half-forgotten. We call it 'gramarye.'" (6.69)

Check out how Merriman describes the language of the Old Ones: "half-forgotten." What do you think he means by this? Was it once more widely known? We'd also like to point out that he uses the same word to describe the Old Ones themselves. Does this mean the Old Ones' existence is tied to their language?

Quote #5

"This is the oldest book in the world, " he said simply. "And when you have read it, it will be destroyed. This is the Book of Gramarye, written in the Old Speech. It cannot be understood by any except the Old Ones, and even if a man or creature might understand any spell of power that it contains, he could not use their words of power unless he were an Old One himself. (6.71)

We get that the Old Ones have their own language, but we can't help but wonder whether it harms them sometimes. After all, it's in speaking Old Speech that Will is discovered by the enemy. Hmm… seems like it's at least a bit of a liability for them.

Quote #6

"That is not English, Will. And when we speak to one another, you and I, we do not use English. We use the Old Speech. We were born with it in our tongues. You think you are speaking English now, because your common sense tells you it is the only language you understand, but if your family were to hear you they would hear only gibberish. The same with that book." (6.98)

Huh? Merriman explains that they aren't speaking English, even though that's the only language Will has ever known. While it's pretty awesome that the Old Ones just know another tongue and don't have to go through years of classes to master a language, it also gives them a secret code of talking to each other.