The Egypt Game Awe and Amazement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

It was a cracked and chipped plaster reproduction of the famous bust of Nefertiti. The two girls stared at it for a long breathless moment and then they turned to look at each other. They didn't say a word, but with widening eyes and small taut smiles they sent a charge of excitement dancing between them like a crackle of electricity. (1.13)

To most people, a cracked Nefertiti bust would probably just be seen as a piece of junk. But when April and Melanie spot it in the abandoned yard, it's a portal to adventure. And a sign that they should start playing the Egypt Game.

Quote #2

April felt a tiny tingle of excitement. She always felt that way about old stuff. It had been one of the few things that she and Dorothea didn't agree on. Dorothea always said, "I'll take mine new and shiny." (2.20)

Unlike her mother, April is completely in awe of the antiques that she finds in the Professor's shop. Her love of history makes her revel in all of these bits and doodads from ancient times—even though they're nowhere near shiny enough for her mother's liking.

Quote #3

She was just crazy about every part of the Egypt Game, and she was full of admiring comments. For instance, she loved the "Hymn to Isis" that Melanie had made up almost by herself, with just a little bit of help from a book of Egyptian poetry. Elizabeth said it was the most beautiful thing she'd ever heard. And the first time she saw April do a ceremony for Set she kept jumping up and down with half-scared excitement. (8.2)

Having Elizabeth join the Egypt Game is a real morale boost for the whole group. She's completely in awe of everything that Melanie and April have come up with, especially their solemn rituals. And there's no better motivation than someone oohing and aahing over everything you do.