The Egypt Game Theme of Exploration

In The Egypt Game, the kids aren't just playing a silly game to pass the time—they're actively using their imaginations to explore what it was like to live in ancient Egypt. By stretching their imaginative muscles, the kids are able to create a whole new world, complete with their own gods, rituals, and even special hieroglyphics. Plus, the kids become the best of friends through this deep dive into ancient Egypt. Apparently sometimes the best way to learn about history is outside of school.

Questions About Exploration

  1. Why do Melanie and April choose Egypt as the game they're going to play? Why not Russia or Morocco or Mars?
  2. How do Toby and Ken react when they first learn about the Egypt Game? Does their opinion change over time?
  3. Does watching the children play help the Professor to come out of his own shell, too?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Although the kids never actually go anywhere outside of their neighborhood physically, the Egypt Game allows them to travel far away to another place and time.

The Professor has been to many foreign countries in his lifetime, but he's more intrigued than ever when he sees how transported the kids are when playing the Egypt Game.