The Egypt Game Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

It would be neat if she turned out to be a real friend. There hadn't been any girls the right age in the Casa Rosada lately. To have a handy friend again, for spur-of-the-moment visiting, would be great. (3.2)

Melanie has pretty high hopes for this April Hall girl. Sounds like the Casa Rosada can be pretty lonely when you're in the ten-eleven range. Fingers crossed she can see past April's weird fashion sense at first…

Quote #2

Meeting people had always been easy for Melanie. Most people she liked right away, and they usually seemed to feel the same way about her. But when the door to 312 opened that morning, for just a moment she was almost speechless. (3.3)

Despite her outgoing nature and ability to make friends with just about anyone, Melanie is completely flabbergasted when she meets April, who's wearing fur and false eyelashes. Yes, it's a little strange for someone under—well, 45 or so. This little girl looks and acts unlike anyone else that Melanie has ever met, and that tests her friending ability.

Quote #3

As they walked back to the door Melanie asked, "Do you want to play some more tomorrow?" April was adjusting her fur stole around her shoulders for the trip upstairs. "Oh, I guess so," she said with a sudden return to haughtiness. (3.50-51)

Talk about playing hard to get. April totally likes hanging out with Melanie, but she'll still act aloof when asked if she wants to continue playing. That doesn't mean that she won't show up again tomorrow, though.