The Egypt Game Analysis

Literary Devices in The Egypt Game

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory


The entirety of The Egypt Game takes place in a bustling college town somewhere in California. The college and the town aren't named, but it's clear that the neighborhood is quite diverse, and full...

Narrator Point of View

The Egypt Game is told from the perspective of a third-person narrator who seems to be observing the story as it unfolds. The narrator doesn't remain completely outside the characters' heads; we oc...


The Egypt Game is a book that is undoubtedly written for young audiences. The main proof: all the main characters are eleven-years-old or under—and nonetheless, they're in the midst of all the ac...


The Egypt Game is told as a cozy yarn, meaning that it sounds like the kind of storytelling you'd hear around a fire on a chilly winter's night. The narrator does a good job of setting the reader u...

Writing Style

The writing in The Egypt Game is perfectly clear and concise. Even when the book is describing complicated rituals and ceremonies, it remains descriptive and easy-to-follow: April went first. She a...

What's Up With the Title?

Talk about a straightforward title.Okay, we'll spell it out. The Egypt Game is the game that Melanie, April, Marshall, Elizabeth, Toby, and Ken come up with. That's right: it's a game about Egypt....

What's Up With the Ending?

The book ends with the murder mystery neatly solved and the children looking forward to going back to Egypt once they've spent Christmas with their families. But in the last paragraphs, April poses...


The Egypt Game is written in a clear, easy-to-understand way that is perfect for beginning readers who are new to chapter books. The book does deal with some tough subjects (you know, the whole mur...

Plot Analysis

A New PlaceThe book opens up with a girl named April Hall moving to a California college town to stay with her grandma, Caroline. At the beginning, she's totally miffed by this whole situation, and...


You know how Melanie and April discuss gypsies at the end of The Egypt Game? It's not just a neat way to finish up the Egypt stuff: there's actually a sequel about how that becomes their next game....

Steaminess Rating

The Egypt Game is a book about a group of elementary school children who find an abandoned yard and pretend that they're ancient Egyptians. It's full of historical facts, adventure, and even a dash...


Ancient Egypt Isis, the Egyptian goddess Thoth, another Egyptian God Set, the possibly evil Egyptian god (he still gets his own altar)Nefertiti, a beautiful Egyptian queen