Fear Quotes in The Forest of Hands and Teeth

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Now I sometimes fear coming to the edge of the Forest and looking past the fence. I am afraid I will see him there with the others: tattered clothes, sagging skin, the horrible pleading moan and the fingers scraped raw from pulling at the metal fences. (1.7)

At the beginning of the story, all Mary fears is the sight of her father as a zombie. By the end, after losing almost everyone else she loves, that fear seems like a cakewalk.

Quote #2

I want to laugh; if they are so afraid of my doing something drastic after facing my mother's death why do they place me in a room that overlooks the site where she turned? (3.5)

What do you think? Did the Sisters place Mary in this room on purpose? Or was it a mistake?

Quote #3

I tell myself that I have nothing to fear in this strange place. That the Sisterhood has always protected the people of the village. And yet I cannot stop the chill that overtakes my body and seeps into my bones. (4.6)

Sometimes fear creeps in even when we don't expect it. Mary's body knows that something isn't right, even before her brain figures it out. The thing is, the Sisterhood truly thought they were protecting Mary (and the village) by threatening her. Didn't work out so well, though.