The Forest of Hands and Teeth Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


While there ain't a lot of sex in this book—okay, none at all—there are a few steamy lust scenes. And by steamy lust, we're talking kissing, folks. It's really not what they do that makes it hot 'n heavy, but the way Mary thinks about what they do. When Mary hides from the Sisters in Travis's bed, she doesn't do anything except crawl over him and hover with her face inches from his oh-so-tantalizing lips… but she describes the whole experience, from the tingling to the electricity to his ragged breathing. When they meet at the tower, they don't do anything other than have a nice make out session, but Mary brings the heat when she tells us about wanting to "melt into him, to forget every barrier […] and it is everything I can do to suck in air […] and not press myself harder against him" (10.28). That there's enough lustiness for a solid PG rating.