Guilt and Shame Quotes in The Forest of Hands and Teeth

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I should have been with her. (1.41)

Agree? Disagree? Maybe Mary's presence would have kept her mom from going all zombie on her, but then again, if that's what her mom wanted, maybe what happened was the best scenario. What's the verdict?

Quote #2

"You love him," he says to me. I try to find accusation in his voice but I cannot.

"You did not speak for me," I respond.

His eyes flare for just a moment and then his gaze shifts away from me as he looks out the window. I want him to tell me why. Instead, he says, "I'm sorry, Mary," and turns and leaves, his eyes skimming over me before he closes the door behind him. (6.36-38)

What Mary says to Harry seems kind of unfair—it's like she's blaming him for falling in love with Travis. Yet she wasn't thinking of Harry when Cupid's arrow smacked her in the chest for the Travster, and deep down she feels guilty about what she did. So she tries to make Harry feel guilty, like it's his fault. But it's not.

Quote #3

I press my face into his pillow, trying to smell him, trying to remember. It is a test to see if I can really give him up.

I know that I never will. Even to save him. I am too selfish. (8.44-45)

The guilt Mary feels here only gets worse when she and the Travster have their heart-to-heart in the tree house. She thinks she's too selfish to give him up, when really she's too selfish to give the ocean up. Even to save her dear, sweet Travis.