Freedom / Confinement Quotes in The Forest of Hands and Teeth

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The Sisters tell us that ours is the only village left in the world. (1.8)

Talk about depressing… scary… lonely… insert your own adjective here.

Quote #2

I can see the terror closing in on the irises of his eyes. His fingers dig into my wrist, almost clawing at me but I keep pulling away, pushing at his hands and body until I am free. (1.32)

Is Harry gripping Mary here because he's scared, trying to trap her, or merely trying to protect her? How would the story have changed if Mary had stayed with Harry by the river rather than racing alone to the fence and her mother?

Quote #3

A small part of me craves to rebel, to break free of this room. To run and grieve with my brother. But I am too exhausted, my body unwilling to move. Here I'm warm and fed and alone and don't have to answer anyone's accusing questions or stares. I don't have to explain why my mother was alone, why I was not with her. (3.16)

For Mary, freedom means dealing with her own guilt, and confinement means pushing it back and letting it go. Sometimes confinement ain't such a curse, after all.